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What is iridology?

The term Iris stems from the Greek word meaning rainbow. The science of iridology has existed for thousands of years in China, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Hippocrates who was the father of modern medicine was credited with saying, “behold the eyes, behold the body”.

You may have heard the saying, “the eyes are windows to the soul”. Iridology takes that a step further. We believe the iris shows us evidence of your parents and even grandparent’s habits in the form of pigments and lesions in the iris fibers, these denote the lifestyle and patterns that your family members took up and handed down to you.

The modern model of iridology was credited to Dr. Ignatz von Peczely a Hungarian physician who was born near Budapest Hungary. When Von Peczley was just eleven he caught an owl that had dug its claws into his arm. In an effort to free himself  he broke the owls leg. At the moment he looked into the owls slit shaped eyes as its leg was broken and saw a fine line appear. It was probably because of this that he decided to go to medical school, he graduated at the age of  41. So intrigued by his childhood he began analyzing irides of his patients and to his astonishment found that patients of certain ailments had similar iris patterns in certain places. From this he developed a chart that reflected specific areas of the body on the iris.

Computer analysis iris

What can iridology do?

Iridology’s greatest value is that of allowing the detection of inherent weaknesses, chemical and physiological changes in the body’s tissues, long before the appearance of a particular set of “symptoms”. Though Iridology does not diagnose disease, it is believed that it can see the underlying reasons why a set of symptoms began. Iridology theory holds that the true meaning of underlying symptoms and even named diseases, are things so simple as chemical imbalance, toxic deposits, poor circulation, inherent weakness and a taxed nervous system.  To bring about change, one must know the status of the bloodstream, nervous system, glands and tissues of the body this is where iridology provides a wealth of information about the vital processes and tissues of the body like no other holistic exam can!

What can I expect to see?

irid 1 Right Iris

The iridologist will take a high resolution picture of your iris and use a computer software system to analyze the relationship among the organs and tissues of the body as they affect one another. Through iridology, a thorough assessment can be achieved by analyzing the integrity of the tissues, health level, inherent weaknesses, constitution, chemical balance and emotional stressors. Iridologists believe it is important to not just work on the physical but the mental and emotional plains as well. Iridology can do just this. Along with the body mapping an emotional blueprint will be formed and a life lesson which is of vital importance to us all will be given to you to work on. We will analyze your iris photographs and according to what we see, will give you a program that is tailored to your specific needs. This program will include, diet, nutrition, supplementation, homeopathy and exercise plans that are tailored just for you.

The eyes really are a “window to the soul” find out what yours have to say!


Disclaimer:Naturopathy believes in the bodies innate ability to health itself and is not a replacement for modern medicine. Our Board Certified Naturopath is not a Licensed Medical Doctor or Licensed Osteopathic Physician. Modalities offered at our center are non-diagnostic and are not intended to prevent or cure any disease.