If there really is an ultimate way to muscle testing then this is it! Pioneered by one of the most acclaimed acupuncturist and physicians of his time Dr. Reinhold Voll. In the early 1900s EAV or Electro Acupuncture by Voll is a system of analysis that goes far beyond the realm of simple yes or no answers to how much and what times. This revolutionary technology and cutting edge research is considered by many to be the future of energetic testing come in and see it for yourself. Though this system of analysis does not diagnose disease, it can give very insightful information on blockages within the energetic system of the meridians.
After identifying the blockages within your bodies meridian system, we may test remedies which will further balance the meridian and be most biocompatible to you (vitamin, mineral, homeopathic, or neutraceutical). According to EDS theory, balancing these points will translate to a healing effect in your body.
How does electrodermal screening work?
Electrodermal screen (EDS) is a form of computerized information gathering which is based on quantum physics, not chemistry. A blunt and non-invasive electric probe is placed at specific point on the clients hands, head or feet, corresponding to acupuncture points at the beginning or end of energy meridians. These points which will be analyzed correspond to the different organ systems of the body. Minute electrical discharges from these points serve as information signals about the condition of the body’s organs and systems. EDS uses a scale of 0 to 100, with a 45-55 being ” Energetically normal”, 56-100 “Energetically Inflamed” and 44-0 as “Energetically Devitalized” The key idea is that energy transfers its signal through an acupuncture meridian to the nervous system, with the end result being a reading which we will see on our device.
What can it detect?
Electro Dermal Screening looks for the “Energetic Signatures” of information left behind by old infections, injuries or blockages in the energetic channels. In Physics we know that energy is neither created nor destroyed but translocated into another form of information. With Dermal Screening we look to pick up the information left behind and then have it “energetically tagged” into a remedy of choice to inform the body of its presence so that your body’s own defense mechanisms may take care of the problem.
Energetic Sensitivity Testing
The non invasiveness of Electro Dermal Screening has made it a reliable and most comfortable tool for people looking to test sensitivities. Dermal screening offers a non-invasive and energetically accurate comprehensive sensitivity screening which will go far beyond the yes or no approach to modern testing. What we mean by this is that certain sensitivities do not always cause an extreme reaction as seen with conditions such as allergies, but minor sensitivities may cause smaller but bothersome symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, fatigue, bloating and brain fog. These are sensitivity reactions not looked for by modern treatments, but electrodermal screening offers comprehensive and alternative view points into these very important areas of sensitivity.
Why Teeth?
The renowned German Physician Dr. Rheinholt Voll, based on more than 40 years experience of research and observation estimated that nearly 80% of all illness is related entirely or partially to problems in the mouth. The Electrodermal Screening test will provide you with valuable information as to whether certain dental work has had an impact on your energetic field which may affect your health. Many biological dentists refer to electrodermal screeners for more information on teeth and how those channels relate to overall health.
Supplement & Homeopathic Testing
By placing different items on the testing tray the practitioner may assess which item will better serve to balance the particular acupuncture point or organ meridian line that seems to be unbalanced and see it climb immediately on the screen. This serves to know how well one therapy may work opposed to another which will get the person better faster!
The great Dilemma today is not so much what is wrong but rather what to use to fix the problem. The avatar Eav system using a form of highly sophisticated muscle testing (applied Kinesiology) can test to see what supplement program herbs or vitamin mineral complex is right for you. This was observed by the inventor of the technology, Dr. Voll; when his patients came in and accidentally brought their medications in their pockets. What was noted were major changes in voll readings when remedies were held on their persons and tested . This served as a very easy indicator of a good protocol for future remedy testing and treatments.
How Accurate are the results?
The foundation of this technology is the work of Reinhold Voll, M.D. almost 50 years ago. Voll’s work is often referred to as electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV). Although relatively new to Western Medicine, this testing system is understood, accepted and widely used in many other countries including Germany, France and England. Today’s testing equipment is the end product of a 30-year evolution of Dr. Voll’s work that utilized a modern computer program, a sensitive ohm meter and a signal generator.
At Holistic Health Center we employ the WaveFront 3000 for our Electro Dermal Screenings. Click here to learn more.